
Your face gleaming in the first rays of the sun

bronze, yellow, tinged with colours

watching waves run to us, oblivious to hours

We scout our beach for shells

that would remind us of that one day

where sands of time and tides of joy

were ours to breathe in-

Breathe in solitude

of each other’s presence..

About Meenakshi Srihari

Meenakshi Srihari teaches English at NIT, Andhra Pradesh in India. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Hyderabad in 2022. Her doctoral dissertation focused on auto/biographical representations of cancer across media, seeking to demonstrate how the illness narrative juxtaposes personal, political and theoretical strands to form an assemblage. Her research interests include graphic medicine and transmedial storyworlds. She is also a Project Assistant with the Indian Writing in English Online project and the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies at the Department of English, the University of Hyderabad.

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